Know the Signs of Tooth Decay

Man in pain holding his cheek with hand, suffering from bad tooth ache

Our best health is maintained when we take care of all parts of the body. This includes the smile. Having a healthy smile means you are more likely to love the appearance of this facial feature. It also means that there is less of a chance that you'll experience dental pain of any kind. Oral …

Our best health is maintained when we take care of all parts of the body. This includes the smile. Having a healthy smile means you are more likely to love the appearance of this facial feature. It also means that there is less of a chance that you’ll experience dental pain of any kind. Oral health is also integral to general health because a healthy mouth has fewer harmful bacteria creating inflammation and infection in the mouth and beyond. You may take great care of your teeth via daily brushing and flossing. Still, you should know how to recognize the signs of tooth decay so, if you notice them, you can address the issue before a full-fledged cavity forms. We’ll discuss some of the most common signs here.

The signs that a cavity may be forming include:

  • Tooth sensitivity. If you can normally eat hot or cold foods with no discomfort and, suddenly, that ice cream or hot soup causes pain in a tooth, it could be that a cavity is developing.
  • Pressure. Sometimes, when a cavity is just forming, a tooth may not hurt but may feel pressure when biting or chewing.
  • Toothache. This is the symptom we usually associate with cavities. A toothache for a minor cavity may feel like throbbing or aching pain that lasts more than a couple of days.
  • Gum inflammation. Where there is a cavity forming, there are bacteria. Bacteria don’t stay put at all times, they may move from the decayed part of the tooth to the gum line. Here, their acidic byproducts cause redness, swelling, and maybe even some bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth.
  • Spotting or pitting. A brown or dark spot on a tooth may be one of the first indications of a worsening cavity. Where the spot is, eventually a pit will form as the tooth degrades bit-by-bit.

Treating Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common problems treated in dental offices around the world. It is also one of the most preventable dental conditions. If you’re brushing and flossing daily and still struggling with cavities, talk to your dentist. Perhaps there are ways you can improve your oral hygiene practices to make them more efficient. Maybe you can benefit from more frequent professional cleanings or dental sealant treatment. If you are noticing even one of the signs of tooth decay that we’ve mentioned here, don’t hesitate to schedule a dental exam. The earlier that care is provided for a forming cavity, the more conservative it can be and the more tooth structure we can save.

We provide friendly, professional care that seeks to prevent tooth decay. When necessary, Dr. Mahal performs restorative treatment to address this issue as conservatively as possible. Contact our Granite Bay office at 916.800.5001 to schedule your visit today.
